Analysis of M.C.A. Data for Lakshadweep, India

Status of Companies in Lakshadweep

Following PIE chart shows an overview of STATUS ( as of 21-04-2018 ) of various companies registered in Lakshadweep, India.


Class of Companies in Lakshadweep

Following PIE chart shows various companies categorized by their CLASS ( as of 21-04-2018 ), present in Lakshadweep, India.


Category of Companies in Lakshadweep

Following PIE chart shows various companies categorized by their CATEGORY ( as of 21-04-2018 ), present in Lakshadweep, India.


Sub-Category of Companies in Lakshadweep

Following PIE chart shows various companies categorized by their SUB_CATEGORY ( as of 21-04-2018 ), present in Lakshadweep, India.


Principal Business Activity of Companies in Lakshadweep

Following PIE chart shows various companies categorized by their PRINCIPAL_BUSINESS_ACTIVITY ( as of 21-04-2018 ), present in Lakshadweep, India.


Registration of Companies by Year in Lakshadweep

Companies registered in Lakshadweep gets categorized by Year of Registration, which is plotted as year of registration vs. #-of companies registered in that certain year ( while filtering out those companies which didn’t had any date of registration data ).
